Stay Positive, Be Positive

Vernal Fall is a large waterfall on the Merced...

Image via Wikipedia

Ty is on fall break this week and next week so I don’t have to get him in the mornings, which means I get to sleep in! I enjoyed my first shower after finding out that it was time to start building muscle back in my wrist, and even though I was running late the drive to school/work was not that bad. Though I will admit that I felt like I had been hit with the stupid stick this morning, I just had this whole “duh” thing going on in my head. Thankfully I was busy today, but it wasn’t too stressful.

J. has been nice to my this afternoon and evening; it would scare me slightly if I wasn’t used to it. He usually is really nice when he’s in sucking up mode after an argument. I am not going to complain about it though because I had a headache start about two this afternoon, and it has worked its way into a thankfully minor, though no less painful, migraine. I needed to go to bed a long time ago however with J. at work and the irresponsibility that Ty has been showing lately I couldn’t bring myself to leave him basically alone. Yes I would be here, but I would be asleep instead of listening for him. Include the fact that he wanted to be outside and I really couldn’t bring myself to lay down because I would be a nervous wreck having to get up and check on him every 15 minutes or so.

Don’t get me wrong we live in what I would call a very safe neighborhood, and it is highly unlikely that he would get hurt or go missing unless he ran into the road at the wrong time or wandered off on his own. But knowing those things does not stop a momma from worrying about her babies. Luckily J. is home now so he has been taking care of Ty and I can go lay in the dark! I look forward to breaking you a better post tomorrow. Thanks for reading.

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  1. Trackback: Tweets that mention Stay Positive, Be Positive « My Loopy World --
  2. avg free download
    Oct 07, 2010 @ 06:27:00

    hope and change


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